Note To Reporters: Don't 'Both Sides' Gun Violence To Sherrod Brown

When will the media stop lying about the left? The Senator from Ohio doesn't stand for it in the wake of Dayton at his press conference with Mayor Nan Whaley.

This is what Nicolle Wallace was talking about on Monday...reporters need to do better. Stop being two steps behind and stop asking questions to which they already know the answer. They just don't listen, though, do they? They HAVE to "but both sides!" everything, whether or not it applies.

Well, whoever this reporter was learned pretty quickly that he couldn't get away with it when talking to Ohio's Senator, Sherrod Brown. Especially when discussing something as tragic as mass shootings, and something as clearly ONE-sided as gun-control legislation.

REPORTER: Senator, the mass shootings have been politicized, Democrats and Republicans pointing fingers at each other. Don't both parties take blame in the inability to find solutions to these mass shootings?

BROWN: No. No. No.

REPORTER: There have been mass shootings...

BROWN: What do you mean by both? Tell me why you believe that.

REPORTER: Well, there have been mass shootings under Democrat and Republican administrations.

BROWN: Republicans for years now have dug in and done the bidding of the NRA. The National Rifle Association, the gun lobby gives millions of dollars to Republican candidates, and spends millions and millions against Democrats —like me — that get an F from the NRA, that have stood up to the NRA. We can't get anything done in the Senate because Mitch McConnell and the president of the United States are in bed with the gun lobby. There's a lot of things we can work on to make this work better. Guns is a big, big part of this. Certainly mental health services matter, but the same people that say it's mental health, it's not too many guns on the street, are the same people that try to cut Medicaid and the same people that try to repeal the Affordable Care Act. SO, Be honest about this. Guns is a big, big part of this, and we have a whole political party in this country now, with the exception of Congressman Turner, I want to add now, who's been on right side, that's in bed with the gun lobby. You can call it grid lock, but it's because of that special interest group. That swamp that has a lock on the government.

Sen. Brown could not have been more clear, and refused to allow that reporter to get away with his lazy, intellectually dishonest question. Even better, he forced the reporter to explain himself, which he did very poorly. He set Sen. Brown up perfectly for the political dragging that followed. He spelled out what every single person in that press pool knew — including the one who asked the question. Mitch McConnell, Trump, and the Republicans are the ones who have sold their alleged souls to the NRA, and if they cared about extending the lives of their constituents, they'd enact gun control AND health care reform. But they do neither.

Of course, Trumpy Bear didn't take kindly...called Sen. Brown and Mayor Whaley "very dishonest people," then said Sherrod Brown polled at "I think" zero percent as a presidential candidate. I mean, Brown never actually WAS a presidential candidate, but Toledo, Tolahdo, I suppose.

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