Now's The Time To Donate Five Bucks To Keep C&L Going Strong!

We need your help. Thank you!

Since C&L began in 2004 (Bush's re-election, remember?), we've posted over 25,000 videos.

It's safe to say no other progressive website comes close to matching our historic video archives.

And yes, it takes a lot of work finding, cutting, uploading and writing about the things we see. Our talented staff makes C&L worth the click.

It also costs a ton of money every month to host the videos on our servers.

If our traffic is any indication, you really enjoy the type of work we do -- along with all the relevant videos we post. That takes money (a lot of it!) each month, so now we're calling on you, our readers, for help.

So please, give what you can and if you can afford a little extra, we'd really appreciate it. You can also sign up as a monthly donor as well.

Your generosity helps keep us going. Thank you.

Or send a check to

PO BOX 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066

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