Teacher's Union May Boycott WalMart Over Gun Sales

If you've ever attended a PTA meeting, you know WalMart is often recommended by teachers for school supplies.

As the parent of three, I've been to plenty of PTA meetings and teacher's conferences where an instructor will say "just go to WalMart." I never go to WalMart and I bristle that a person paid with my tax dollars would endorse the death of small business in my community, but I digress.

Teachers boycotting WalMart in the days leading up to the first day of school? Is a big stinking deal.

The president of the American Federation of Teachers is serious about WalMart selling guns and ammo. Randi Weingarten told CNN: "What we're asking Walmart, the biggest employer and retailer in the country, is to care about kids as much as we do. And frankly at the very least, care about them more than they care about the NRA."

It's not just the marketing of guns. WalMart also supports politicians via political contributions, and AFT is calling them out for that, too.

You go, Randi!

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