Watchdog: 'I Can't Investigate Jarvanka Without Note From Trump'

The swamp corruption continues!!! The inspector general informs Senate Democrats that he can only investigate security clearances for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner if Trump himself requests it.

Well I guess they get to clean out the entire US Treasury, then! MSNBC:

The Trump administration's intelligence watchdog has declined a request from four top Senate Democrats to investigate how the White House has handled security clearances for Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and other employees, according to a letter obtained by NBC News.

Michael Atkinson, the inspector general of the intelligence community, meaning the chief internal watchdog for the nation's intelligence agencies, wrote to the senators that he would be happy to conduct such an investigation, but could only do it if President Donald Trump asks him.

"The authority over access to classified information ultimately rests with the President of the United States," Atkinson wrote to Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, and the three other senators. "It is well-established that the President of the United States has broad latitude concerning the process through which security clearances are granted, transferred, or revoked, as well as broad flexibility in determining whom to choose as his advisors and to what extent those advisors may gain access to information, including national security information."

We've GOT to take back the White House and the Senate, if only to pass laws that restrict future Republican presidents (of course the media is going to forget everything Trump ever did and enable another one) from being so #@%*)(@!!! corrupt.

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