'What The F***?' Beto O'Rourke On Racist Donald Trump

Beto O'Rourke rips the media for not 'connecting the dots' on Trump's racist rhetoric

Some dummy asked O'Rourke if Trump could do anything to fix the gun problem in the United States. To say O'Rourke was pissed off at the question is to put it mildly. For O'Rourke, Donald Trump is the problem. And the media is complicit by not calling out Trump's virulent racism and violent rhetoric.

So fuck off, media. And ask better questions next time.

Source: Mashable

In the aftermath of two mass shootings that took place in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio over the same 24-hour period, the U.S. is still grappling with what needs to be done now — and where responsibility lies.

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke attended a vigil in El Paso on Sunday. He spoke to the community, and called for gun control laws that close background check loopholes and end the sale of assault weapons.

And then, according to audio posted by CNN's national political reporter Eric Bradner, O'Rourke was asked a question by an unnamed reporter as he was heading to his car: "Is there anything in your mind that the president can do now to make this any better?"

Rourke’s reply was, to say the least, frustrated.

"What do you think? You know the shit he’s been saying. He’s been calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. I don’t know, like, members of the press, what the fuck?"

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