Bill Maher: If 'Trump Never Makes You Insane, You Are Insane!'

Real Time host Bill Maher offers up a new definition for 'Trump derangement syndrome" during his New Rules segment this Friday.

Real Time host Bill Maher offered up a new definition for 'Trump derangement syndrome" this Friday to counter the liars on Fox who constantly attack the left for supposedly suffering from some irrational hatred of Dear Leader:

The Fox News personalities regularly bring up “Trump Derangement Syndrome” in their shows to argue that Trump critics are so maddened by their hatred for the president that they can’t think rationally. But Maher said it’s the people that defend Trump — not the people who criticize him — who are suffering from the syndrome.

“Republicans love to throw out the term to deflect any criticism from their Dear Leader,” Maher explained. “And by that, they mean that liberals are a bunch of sore losers who just can’t accept the results of an election and they go mental at every little thing Trump does.”

After admitting “there’s a bit of that on the left,” Maher asked, “have you watched this man over the last four years?”

A montage followed, of Trump making nonsensical statements and expressions.

“And you came to the conclusion that’s how a president behaves?” Maher asked rhetorically. “And I’m the one who’s deranged?”

“When Republicans say Democrats never got over Trump’s behavior, you’re right! We haven’t gotten over it because no one should,” he added.

Maher wrapped things up by explaining how he'll respond to Republicans if we end up with Biden as president and they have a single complaint about any of his behavior:

Maher would go on to encourage Democrats to vote for Biden even if he devolves from the current “mildly embarrassing gaffe machine who mixes up stories and waits 'til he’s onstage for his eyeball to explode and his dentures to fall out.”

“That guy would not be nearly broken and crazy enough to teach the Republicans the lesson they need to learn,” he noted. “For this, I need Joe Biden to be full-on, forgot-to-wear-pants, crumbs-in-the-hair, screaming-at-the-toaster nuts!”

Maher continued: “And when Republicans say, ‘Wait a minute, how can you give unwavering support for someone who’s clearly lost it?’ I’ll say, ‘I don’t know, you tell me.’”

The veteran comedian told his audience that in private, they’ll go ahead and admit that their guy is nuts, but publicly they’ll be in full denial mode, pointing to Fox Business host Stuart Varney’s assertion that Trump has never lied as a prime example of how to act.

Rolling his eyes at Varney’s obsequiousness, Maher said he wanted to see Biden do “every fucked-up thing a celebrity ever did”—such as wear a meat dress or interrupt Taylor Swift at an awards show—just so he could tell Republicans that Biden’s “a different kind of president.”

“And after he plows the presidential limousine through a farmer’s market, I’ll say, ‘Why so upset, Republicans? That’s just Biden being Biden,’” Maher concluded.

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