Frank Luntz Blames Media For Trying To Hurt Trump By Destroying The U.S. Economy

GOP pundit Frank Luntz places the blame for all that recession talk exactly where it belongs (checks notes) - with the media.

GOP political consultant and "pollster", Frank Luntz, totally embarrassed himself on FOX News on Sunday by blaming all the talk about a downturn in the economy (ie, the probable recession) on...the MEDIA.

During his interview, Howie Kurtz said the economy is still pretty strong with some flashing yellow lights and asked, "Does the media have that kind of power? And is this a winning argument for the president?"

Unequivocally Frank Luntz said, "They absolutely do have that power and I think the president is correct here."

Luntz claimed that up until 30 days ago most Americans thought this was the greatest economy they've ever seen in their lives. He did not supply any facts to support his claim.

"In the last two or three weeks the perceptions have cratered," he said.

And then Frank really began to lie.

"You can't say it's because of the tariffs because they did not have an impact until today," Frank said with a straight face.

“You are agreeing with the president that journalists are deliberately representing a pessimistic view of the economy as it will appear down the road because it's their way of getting at the president’s strength?" a stunned Kurtz asked.

Luntz then spit out Kellyanne Conway's usual litany of talking points about the economy.

"So why should the numbers cratered in the last 21 days?" Luntz asked. “It has to be because of outside forces."

And those outside forces he claims are media. What an absolute joke.

He doesn't blame the countless rounds of tariffs on Chinese goods. Or, the reciprocal tariffs China is placing on American goods. He also doesn't talk about the bailout Trump gave to farmers (ie, socialism) to keep them afloat after they suffered huge losses due to (checks notes) Trump's policies. Oh, and he also doesn't blame people being forced to work more than one job to keep afloat, even though unemployment is supposedly down. And of course, he doesn't talk about that awesome tax cut for the rich.

Clearly, the blame for any talk of a recession or downturn in the economy is the fault of the media...for reporting on the possible recession or downturn in the economy. Right? Is that how this twisted thinking goes? Blame the people reporting the news versus the people RESPONSIBLE for the news that is being reporting?

The stupid. It hurts.

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