GOP Equals The 'Guns Over People' Party, Part Infinity

Texas Republicans react to carnage in their own state...predictably.

Politico (aka Tiger Beat on the Potomac, thanks Charlie Pierce!) tells us:

“Following Saturday’s shootings in West Texas, President Donald Trump on Sunday remained firm that his “administration is committed to working with Congress to stop the menace of mass attacks” but did not include universal background checks as part of the solution this time.

“Trump largely attributed the shootings to mental health issues and said the mass attacks have “been going on for a long time” and that he wants to reduce them.”

“…as long as it doesn’t stop the sweet, sweet flow of the NRA’s Ameros to Republicans,” he did not bray. “Thoughts and Prayers!,” he didn’t remember to blurt out.

He’s been all over the map (as usual) since the start of August when the slaughter in El Paso Texas. But when has the dolt every been linear, and besides WHAT’S IN IT FOR HIM!!?!

Texas Gov. Guns, er, Abbott issued a statement that hit all the paid-for by NRA shilling points , but we are reminded of his previous stance:

It’s also worth noting that new gun laws Gov. Abbott signed went into effect in Texas on Sunday, just hours after a shooting left seven people dead in the western part of the state. He forgot to mention that, silly man.

Ayatollah Ted weighed in with prayers (but not thoughts because he has none):

And Texas Sen. Cornyn didn’t offer thoughts or prayers:

And the press, as usual, is failing us with Both Sides BS:

So we are back to where we usually are: the Republicans who essentially have veto power over everything are A-Okay with their constituents being gunned down where’ere they go. It’s the price of second-amendment freedom that you might be randomly shot and killed along with masses of strangers for no good reason except you were in the right place at the wrong time.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

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