Kamala Harris Turns The Tables On Student Trying To Trap Her On Gun Control

The college students at The Tonight Show loudly applauded the Democratic candidate's promises to take action to end the traumatizing of our youth from active shooter drills.

Senator Kamala Harris appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night, and the audience was filled with students from four area colleges. There was time for the students to ask her questions, but when one student asked if she was in favor of mandatory gun buybacks, and if it violated the Second Amendment, she was gracious but firm. She went straight to assault rifles, meant to kill many human beings in a short period of time, and that there are too many of them in the hands of Americans. Buybacks will be legal because owners will be paid what their weapons are worth, but it is NOT a violation of the Constitution.

Senator Harris wasn't finished, yet, though. She drove her point home by asking the audience a question of her own.

"How many of you guys as college students had to have a drill during high school, or middle school or elementary school, or even in college, where you learned about how you need to hide in a closet or crouch in a corner in the event that there is a mass shooter roaming the hallways of your school?" she asked.

Nearly every single hand went up in the audience.

"Look at that," she said. "Look at that." Then she accurately assessed this generation's ills surrounding guns.

SEN. HARRIS: Here's the thing. It terrorizes you. It is traumatizing. I don't want that any of our children should have to sit in class, when you should be paying attention to what's happening in the front of the classroom — letting your mind open up to the wonders of science, math, art, or whatever — and instead have to be worried about who's gonna come banging through the door, carrying some kind of weapon.

It affects a child's psyche, and it affects their education. Sen. Harris then made a promise.

SEN. HARRIS: Leaders need to lead on this issue. And so, I'm telling you: when elected, if Congress fails to act, I'll give them 100 days to put a bill on my desk for signature. And if they do not do it, I will put in place — by executive action — a comprehensive background check requirement, and a ban on the importation of assault weapons into our country. I'm done.

She WAS done. And the kid in the audience who asked the question was not clapping with the rest of them when she finished her answer, either. That's okay, though. A few aggrieved, entitled white boy pouts from this one aren't enough to stop an entire generation's momentum against the NRA and their gunlicking cronies. Now all we need is the White House and the Senate.

(the dude with the left arrow is the one who asked the question.)

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