Pelosi Slams Kevin McCarthy For Supporting Trump's Self-Dealing
Calling out hypocrite Kevin McCarthy for his complicit support of Trump's corruption.
Everybody knows that if a Democrat did one-tenth of the self-dealing corruption that Donald Trump engages in daily, Kevin McCarthy would walk to the White House and set it on fire himself.
Never forget that McCarthy lost his chance to be House Speaker when he gave the game away that non-stop Benghazi hearings were specifically designed to hurt Hillary Clinton's poll numbers.
But Donald Trump won more Republican primary votes than any other Republican nominee in history, so...
...Kevin McCarthy thinks staying in a Trump Hotel is just like a Marriott!
Nancy Pelosi at her presser Thursday: "This is beyond appalling. But how can anybody be appalled? We've seen it all. In terms of integrity, it seems the administration is having a contest with itself to see how low it can go."
In term of two-faced hypocrisy, there's no contest: Kevin McCarthy stoops lower than anyone.