Political Hack Newt Gingrich Attacks Impeachment 'Process'
Yes, the Newt Gingrich who impeached Clinton while carrying on a six-YEAR affair with Trump's current Ambassador to the Vatican.
Newton Leroy Gingrich lives off of the wingnut welfare publishing industry, his wife's salary as Trump's Ambassador to the Vatican, and also from appearances on Trump TV where he furthers the propaganda for the so-called president.
He's a political hack. He has been for 30 years. But you knew that.
And he makes this statement on President Executive Time's favorite program, this time committing First Degree Hypocrisy over impeachment.
Or maybe Trump TV will just give up and, with Newt Gingrich's help, offer alternative programming to NEWS. Whoops:
Don't ever forget that Trump hired the wives of Gingrich and McConnell to keep them on the team.