Rep. John Lewis Calls For Trump's Impeachment

"There comes a time when you have to be moved by the spirit of history to take action to protect and preserve the integrity of our nation." - Rep. John Lewis

It's happening. The dam has broken - there are *163 members of the House (162 Democrats and 1 Independent) openly in favor of impeaching Donald Trump. Even Democrats in the Senate are beginning to sound the call, as well. Today, on the floor of the House of Representatives, one of the men revered across party lines, Civil Rights icon and "the conscience of Congress," Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) called for impeachment proceedings. Bespectacled, and with trembling hands holding his remarks, he spoke the words echoing the feelings of so many in this nation, and bringing relief to those of us who have been begging for this moment for months, if not years.

REP. LEWIS: We tried every other path and used every other tool. We will never find the truth unless we use the power given to the House of Representatives, and the House alone, to begin an official investigation as dictated by the Constitution. The future of our democracy is at stake. There comes a time when you have to be moved by the spirit of history to take action to protect and preserve the integrity of our nation. I believe, I truly believe, the time to begin impeachment proceedings against this president has come. To delay or to do otherwise would betray the foundation of our democracy. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

And there it is. The agonizingly slow march towards this moment, god-willing, seems to be coming to an end, and the new impeachment chapter can begin. May it be as agonizing for Trump, Pence, McConnell, and their disgusting cronies as this last 2.5+ years have been for the targets of their hate, the victims of their crimes, their vile white nationalism, and their cynical greed.

*163 as of the publication of this article. It's risen to 167 in the past hour.

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