Col. Wilkerson Deflates ISIS Raid: Happening 'In The Shadow Of Impeachment'

On AM Joy, Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff reminds of the context in which the raid took place.

While the press, Trump, and Lindsey Graham are breathlessly recounting the mission in which ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson joined AM Joy to take the wind out of their sails just a wee bit. Guest host Yasmin Vassoughian asked the former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell to both Trump's and Graham's remarks about the mission in which our Special Operations troops chased him down and he ignited his suicide vest, killing himself and three of his children.

WILKERSON: Well, I hate to rain on the parade of hagiography, but I'm 75 years old. I've seen three presidents embroiled in impeachment, and what I saw in the background was the shadow of impeachment. What I saw in the foreground was a president trying to use this spectacular success, not by the president, but by those Delta forces on the ground, pilots, soldiers and everything, to essentially show himself as a very pragmatic, very practical, very detail oriented, very capable commander in chief and president. So that's the way I see it. He's using this, Lindsey Graham, the same thing, I know Lindsey well. He's using this to kind of attenuate some of the pressure that's building around him with regard to impeachment. Significant pressure, in my mind.

Vassoughian asked about Trump's taking credit for this raid, despite raging against President Barack Obama when Osama Bin Laden was killed that the president should get zero credit for that operation. Wilkerson put on his armchair psychologist hat, and spoke the understatement of the century.

WILKERSON: I think President Trump has a real psychological hang-up with President Obama. And trying to outdo him in everything that he possibly did or undo whatever he did. And I'm not singing President Obama's praises. I'm just saying that that is a debilitating factor for this president. Sometimes it works out as with this incident and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it looks very dangerous. Like with the nuclear agreement with Iran. Let's look at the region right now. Lindsey Graham is standing up there talking about how everything is so, so wonderful. Iraq is falling apart. We had 2,000 casualties over the last week. Over 130 people killed. Egypt, I have students in Cairo who tell me that they're getting ready to do another Tahrir square against Sisi. Look at Syria. Look at the area between Turkey and Syria. Look at Iran. Look at what we're doing with the incredible blockade of Iran, we're giving them NO CHOICE but to strike back, and to strike back wherever they can! I look for more. This is not a region that is growing peaceful, Lindsey! This is a region that's getting ready to explode yet again.

Wilkerson went on to say Trump, and his lapdog Graham, are doing all they can to fight off the impending impeachment, and this is obviously, easily a big play in that game. Taking nothing, NOTHING away from the brave soldiers who did their duty and did it well, Wilkerson would like the rest of us to know it's not the victory Trump and Republicans are trying to make it out to be.

Like usual.

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