The Biggest Non-Story Of 2016 Is STILL A Non-Story: State Dept. Finds No Mishandling Of Classified Emails
It won't stop Donald Trump from raving about missing servers in the Ukraine, but the media really should look carefully at their coverage.
There was a DOJ investigation.
There was an FBI investigation.
There was a House Oversight Committee investigation.
There was were multiple congressional hearings.
Over and over, we've heard that while the federal government should have instituted better and smarter guidelines regarding electronic communications sooner (simply, the technology advanced faster than the rules did) there was nothing that Hillary Clinton did in regards to classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State that could be considered deliberately mishandled or prosecutable.
But apparently, multiple investigations aren't enough for a country that STILL has an entire political party and mainstream media acting as if there was this great crime for which Hillary Clinton has inexplicably eluded arrest.
So we got another one. This time from the State Department:
A multiyear State Department probe of emails that were sent to former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s private computer server concluded there was no systemic or deliberate mishandling of classified information by department employees, according to a report submitted to Congress this month.
The report appears to represent a final and anticlimactic chapter in a controversy that overshadowed the 2016 presidential campaign and exposed Clinton to fierce criticism that she later cited as a major factor in her loss to President Trump.
In the end, State Department investigators found 38 current or former employees “culpable” of violating security procedures — none involving material that had been marked classified — in a review of roughly 33,000 emails that had been sent to or from the personal computer system Clinton used.
Not one of those 38 culpable individuals is named Hillary Clinton, by the way.
Funny, that, since her name is STILL to this day brought up as if she's guilty of... something and the media has never once corrected a conservative guest throwing out vague accusations that this has been investigated ad nauseam and the findings remain the same: nothing. There's also no question that "Hillary's emails" took the lion's share of coverage during the 2016 campaign season, and when compared to the fire hose of scandals from Trump, that inequity gave it more importance in people's mind. Compare it, if you will, to the relatively paltry coverage of private email use by all of the Trump administration, done after the guidelines were placed. No wonder so many people still think there was a problem.
And as if to prove Maddow's theory correct, here comes democracy-destroying The New York Times: