Breitbart Readers Have 'Economic Anxiety' Attack At News Of Rep. Cummings' Death

This is not the fringe. This is mainstream conservatism. This is who conservatives are in 2019.

Sad news:

Elijah E. Cummings, a Democratic congressman from Maryland who gained national attention for his principled stands on politically charged issues in the House, his calming effect on anti-police riots in Baltimore, and his forceful opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump, died early Thursday morning at Johns Hopkins Hospital, the Associated Press reported. He was 68.

At Breitbart, the commenters offer the deeply felt words of mourning you'd expect from believers in heartland traditional values.

well its a great start !!!!!


Good news ! Normally I keep quiet when someone die out of respect, but I can not respect this man. Next to fall ? RBG ? Maxine Waters ? Or Pelosi while it looks like her head will explode soon after all battle with Trump !


Hopefully next will be the Judaic socialist traitor RBG! We could use some more REAL AMERICANS on the bench who actually represent and appreciate Americans and our values!


Battle with President Trump can be very Detrimental to one’s health.


I didn't know that Hillary was mad at Elijah, did anyone else?


He said he was a Christian but he didn't walk the walk. Unless he repented at the final hour he will spend eternity in hell. But judging from the way he lived his life, I find that highly unlikely.


Death is sad for his family no doubt. But that does not erase truth: this man was elected due to race and liberalism, not his IQ or talents. He became a radical do nothing partisan politician. BALTIMORE IS FAR WORSE OFF AFTER HIS LONG UNDESERVED SERVICE.


Obama Care failed again...


He didn't gave the intelligence to do anything else.





Our country will be better off without this fungus...


Poor man probably died from rat infected disease.


... you can look at it this way at least he will still vote.


Now I won’t be confused between Cummings and Lewis. That’s a good thing.


No, but you've got Maxine Waters and James Brown.


Imagine Maxine without her teeth and wig. Now that’s funny.


Yes, I think President Trump has Gods anointing. When you go against God's anointed, bad things start happening to you. Including sometimes an early death.


Our hearts and prayers go out to all of the babies that were killed because of him .


Some "term limits" are more efficient than others.....


"Douchenozzle Elijah Cummings Is Pining For The Fjords"

Good news is so rare these days.


Though I didn't care for the man at all, I am respectful of one's death so RIP. I will not miss his rude remarks against our President, his policies, nor his large scary hands.


You just know the dem party is going to foment as much violence, hate and revenge as possible to "honor his memory" and "lead the fight against hate" and all the other stuff they do to stir up resentment in rat-infested cities.

Remember to spay and neuter your liberals

We're supposed to beat ourselves up for being insufficiently respectful of right-wingers' concerns, but they hate us. This is not the fringe. This is mainstream conservatism. This is who conservatives are in 2019.

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