Donald Trump Has Single Handedly Brought ISIS Back From The Dead
One phone call with Donald Trump has completely destabilized the Middle East, destroyed our relationship with the Kurds and revived the nearly extinct ISIS
Because of Donald Trump's greed and stupidity, Syria and Turkey are now a warzone again, ISIS is fleeing prisons and regrouping and our Kurdish allies are being slaughtered in the streets. In one short phone call, Donald Trump completely destablized the region, setting off a course of events that has led to the Turkish invasion of Syria, the bombings of numerous civilian areas and hospitals, murders of innocent Kurdish men, women and children and the freeing of ISIS fighters that had been previously detained in prisons.
To put it simply - Donald Trump is a monster who single handedly brought back ISIS.
ESPER: We also have learned in the last 24 hours the Syrian forces intend -- I'm sorry, the Kurdish forces are looking -- the SDF are looking to cut a deal, if you will, with the Syrians and Russians to counterattack against the Turks in the North and so we find ourselves as we have american forces likely caught between two opposing forces. I spoke with the President last night after discussions with the National Security team and he districted that we begin a deliberate withdrawal of forces from Northern Syria.
WITT: Meanwhile new evidence is emerging of alleged atrocities. Here's a warning - the video is disturbing to watch. NBC news has blurred the most graphic portions. It appears to show Arab militias executeing a Kurd by the roadside. Multiple officials teld NBC news that the video and photographs appears genuine. They say they include Al Qaeda and ISIS supporters.
Take a look at this video. That's an ISIS prison coming under fire. Detainees scampering for the exits. This was yesterday near the Turkey/Syria border but today hundreds mores escaping under similar circumstances. There's a lot to discuss with our team of reporters and analysts so we'll get right to it. Bill Neely in Erbil, the capital of Afghanistan. What are we learning about the withdrawal of troops?
NEELY: Fast-moving developments. It appears from multiple reports that U.S. troops are already on the move. This announcement from Defense Secretary Mark Esper was something of a surprise. He said the President made the decision last night. It was because it would appear the U.S., it was in some way misled by one ally, Turkey, which now says it's likely to move further South and further West than it had originally said and the other former ally of the U.S., the Kurds, have now reached out to Russia and to Damascus. And, indeed, there are reports coming from Damascus that Syrian troops are likely to move into the Kobani and Manbij areas within the next 48 hours.
That is obviously a huge boost for President Assad. He hasn't been around the Kobani area for years. It's obviously, of course, a huge boost, all of this, for President Putin. This is a gift to Russia. President Putin is getting exactly what he always wanted. He's getting Syrian control of the Northeast of the country, at least parts of it and he's getting U.S. troops out of Syria. It is also, of course, a boost for Iran.
Just one other thing worth mentioning. We can talk about those reports of atrocities, which are coming in. There was an interesting news conference from -- or address from President Erdogan of Turkey today, in which he appeared to rebuke the United States. He -- remember, the U.S. had threatened economic sanctions against Syria. Erdogan said "those who think they can make Turkey turn back its offensive with these threats are gravely mistaken." You know, in terms of U.S. diplomacy and foreign policy, today isn't a great day, Alex.
WITT: You know what, Bill, I'm going to use a tweet that you put out here and you use the brevity of twitter to put out your thoughts on this. If we can have our director put this up on the screen. Breaking, U.S. defense secretary claims Turkey is likely to expand its attack further South than planned and that Kurds are trying to ally with Russia and Assad for help. U.S. misled by one NATO ally and now its former ally is hooking up with Russia. Diplomatic failure almost military humiliation. You chronicled what you said there, but that last statement, about whom are you speaking?
NEELY: Well, it is extraordinary that, you know, U.S. warplanes bombed Kobani for such a long time to try to get rid of ISIS. They did so in conjunction with Kurdish forces on the ground and they took Kobani. Now U.S. forces are pulling out not just of Kobani, but of -- from that entire area. It does not -- the optics of that are not good. It's obviously not looked good right from the beginning that the U.S. is walking away from its ally, the SDF, the Kurds, the Kurds are screaming betrayal. Now it would seem the U.S. is pulling out from the whole area. And as I say, I suggest that that is a win for Assad. It's a win for Putin and a win for Tehran.
To hammer just how awful this is:
Horrific murders of totally innocent people:
This tweet sums it up:
Because of Donald Trump's erratic and Russia-centric policy, ISIS will surge again with nearly 100,000 fighters ready to rejoin and wreak havoc on the world.
Is this Donald Trump's 2020 campaign slogan? Make ISIS Great Again?