Fox News Poll: Record Support For Trump Impeachment

A record 51% say they want Trump not only impeached but removed from office.

Oddly enough, Fox News has been quite quiet (at least in primetime) about the results of their own polling on impeachment. Weird, eh?

Source: Fox News

Just over half of voters want President Trump impeached and removed from office, according to a Fox News Poll released Wednesday.

A new high of 51 percent wants Trump impeached and removed from office, another 4 percent want him impeached but not removed, and 40 percent oppose impeachment altogether. In July, 42 percent favored impeachment and removal, while 5 percent said impeach but don’t remove him, and 45 percent opposed impeachment.

Since July, support for impeachment increased among voters of all stripes: up 11 points among Democrats, 5 points among Republicans, and 3 among independents. Support also went up among some of Trump’s key constituencies, including white evangelical Christians (+5 points), white men without a college degree (+8), and rural whites (+10).

Ted Lieu has a few words.

As does Chris Hayes.

Fox News, with Bret Baier, allotted all of 30 seconds to talk about their own poll.

And right on cue, the Shitgibbon himself responds:

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