John Cornyn Is Fine With Ethnic Cleansing As Long As Troops Out Of Harm's Way
John Cornyn doesn't really have a problem with betraying the Kurds for Putin at all. It's all about the oil, it seems.
So, the Dallas Morning News (behind a paywall) ran this headline ….
Stunning. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t understand the purpose of the United States military. I mean, should we get out of Hitler’s way because he was intent on killing people? Or maybe withdraw Union troops because Robert E Lee really, really wants to keep his slaves and somebody could get hurt over this.
Several years ago, Cornyn ran a commercial in which he called himself Big Bad John. He dropped the commercial when everybody started making fun of it because John Cornyn is a wimp. Now he’s a wimp willing to twist himself into looking like a basket of wire coat hangers – just to please Donald Trump and insult the United States men and women in uniform.
Good Lord! Even Ted Cruz isn’t supporting Trump on this, and Ted Cruz is a gutless weenie.
But Cornyn surpasses even that.
Asked if he was satisfied with Trump’s latest moves, lifting sanctions on Turkey and declaring victory after last week’s withdrawal, Cornyn was cautious: “This thing changes pretty quickly, and we need for this to play out a little bit to have some clarity.”
So how many Kurds have been killed so far so John can get some “clarity”?
The upside – lots of Dems are running in the primary and one of them is MJ Hegar and she’s a genuine combat veteran hero.
Posted with permission of Juanita