Nut Job Commits A Felony To Avoid Filing Reports That Would Reveal He's A Nut Job

Please meet Congressfool Mark Meadows from North Carolina. He’s a nut job.

Please meet Congressfool Mark Meadows from North Carolina. He’s a nut job. He’s also chairman of the Freedom Caucus. I do not know which came first – the nut or the caucus. It’s one of those chicken and egg things.

Meadows believes that dinosaurs and Jesus had a relationship. Yep, he’s a creationist and has been dabbling in real estate where dinosaur bones have been found.

Three years ago, the North Carolina congressman Mark Meadows sold a hundred-and-thirty-four-acre property in Dinosaur, Colorado. The buyer was Answers in Genesis, a Christian nonprofit based in Kentucky, which was founded by the Australian creationist Ken Ham. Answers in Genesis is dedicated to promoting young-Earth creationism, which holds that the Earth was created in six days, several thousand years ago.

The selling price was about $200,000, which does not seem extraordinary. However, Meadows did not claim the extra income on his congressional financial disclosure. He’s a three term senator. He knows the rules. This wasn’t an accident or ignorance.

Public Citizen has filed a request for an investigation and includes this ..

Public Citizen further requests that the Clerk of the House investigate whether Meadows has a history of failing to report his investments and transactions. According to Brett Kappel, a campaign finance lawyer quoted in the news story, “[t]here appear to have been multiple reporting violations that occurred over a long period of time” by Meadows.

Oops – one cover-up can unearth a lot of problems.

Well, I don’t know what I expected differently. He’s one of Trump’s closest allies in congress. And, you know about that swamp thing Trump’s got going.

Published with permission from JuanitaJean.com

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