Right-Wing Lobby Divorces Itself? In Lawsuit, NRA Says NRA-TV Is Racist

What? When it's about the Benjamins and the Rubles, you bet NRA and NRA-TV are suing each other like a bitter divorced couple.

Doncha just love it when Mommy Gun Nut and Daddy Gun Nut fight? Media Matters:

The National Rifle Association admitted in a legal filing that its former media operation NRATV was viewed by NRA leadership as racist and that the project’s programming “often became viewed as a dystopian cultural rant.” That is true, but the messaging at NRATV was largely indistinguishable from the racist paranoid rantings of NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre.

The filing was made in one of the lawsuits the NRA is waging against its former ad firm, Ackerman McQueen, which produced NRATV until its demise in June 2019. The NRA is suing Ackerman in Virginia state court and Texas federal court as part of a months-long dispute between the leadership of the two entities. Ackerman McQueen has countersued and both sides are seeking tens of millions of dollars in damages. The NRA is also suing its former president Oliver North, who had a contract with Ackerman McQueen, in New York state court. Before an acrimonious split earlier this year that was kicked off during a fight over control of the NRA, the NRA and Ackerman McQueen were deeply enmeshed and had worked together to shape the NRA’s messaging over a nearly 40-year period.

Read the rest here. The infighting couldn't happen to a worse group of secretly Russian funded fascist liars whose entire lobbying operation is collapsing in real time.

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