Trump — ON CAMERA — Asks China And Ukraine To Investigate Bidens
It's not bad enough 45* extorted Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. Our self-incriminator-in-chief went further to ask China and Ukraine to investigate them, too.
What a time to be alive. Our super self-aware, accomplished critical thinker, completely independently operating President Putinpoodle has given the tee vee cameras one for the ages. CNN's Kate Bolduan was bowled over.
TRUMP: Well, I would think that if they were honest about it [Ukraine would] start a major investigation into the Bidens. It's a very simple answer. They should investigate the Bidens because how does a company that's newly formed and all these companies -- and by the way, likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens. Because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with -- with Ukraine.
Honestly. Seriously. We're having a hard time believing this, too, Kate.
She asks all the right questions.
- Why is TrumpyBear always saying the whistleblower account is wrong? HE JUST CORROBORATED IT!
- How does the GOP justify this treasonous, impeachable treachery?
- What the hell just happened?
She pointed out that at that VERY MOMENT Trump incited illegal election interference by two of our global adversaries, former envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker was testifying behind closed doors to three of the House Committees charged with shaping the Impeachment Articles. And Trump thinks THIS is the way to go? Bolduan was incredulous. She asked the correspondent, Jeremy Diamond, to try to make sense of it.
Bolduan rightly dismissed Trump's political "analysis" for what it was — worthless — and moved on to asking her panel, which included Anne Milgram, and Jamie Gangel for their analyses. Gangel confirmed everything Jeremy Diamond said, and it was Milgram who put the legal nail in the coffin for Trump.
BOLDUAN: This is I think what you guys are saying is so key. It's all of the defenses or attacks on credibility essentially that have been happening in the lightning -- the light years that have happened in the past week, can all go out the window now. The president just stood there and said it and said and you know what, China, let's add that to it as well.
MILGRAM: And what's really important is you don't have to trust the whistleblower, you have the president himself saying it. So it really changes the conversation.
Unless Congressional Republicans (will there even BE any House Republicans left in 2020?) decide they are all going down with Trump, they are going to have to —HAVE TO throw their weight behind impeachment, or pressure him to resign. If they're smart, and that is an extremely large "if," they'll do their best to convince their constituents and benefactors why they must back impeachment. The alternative is to dance with the one that brung 'em, and that's not gonna work out too well for them.