Like Trump, Fox Blames Democrats For G7 Trump Doral Reversal
Donald Trump has decided against lining his pockets and blatantly violating the Constitution by hosting the 2020 G7 at his own Doral resort. But he blamed the Democrats for his reversal and, like a parrot, so did Fox News.
Donald Trump has decided against lining his pockets and blatantly violating the Constitution by hosting the 2020 G7 at his own Doral resort. But he blamed the Democrats for his reversal and, like a parrot, so did Fox News.
At the top of’s homepage, is a headline: “Trump scraps plan to host G-7 summit at Florida resort amid Dem uproar, maybe at Camp David.” (My emphases added.)
In the first place, it was not just Democrats objecting. More importantly, it’s a violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution. Fox’s own legal expert said so.
If you look very closely, under the headline, in very small print, is a link to an article called, "Andrew McCarthy: Trump Doral resort pick for G-7 a 'real unforced error'"
Trump announced his decision via a series of unhinged tweets:
As Stephanie Ruhle explained on MSNBC Friday night, Trump's claim about not making a profit is baloney.
The tweets alone call into question Trump’s fitness for office. But in its online article announcing the abrupt reversal, Fox News quoted them as though there were nothing abnormal in them. Andrew McCarthy's comments, which blasted Trump's decision as a "gift" to Democrats that was all but "asking to be investigated" did not make it into this article either.
Fox kinda sorta acknowledged the legal problem in the 10th paragraph, but suggested it was a muddy “controversy.”
Trump first made the suggestion to have the 2020 G7 at his Doral resort in August at the 2019 summit in France, sparking controversy over the ethics of a president profiting off an official government event.
Next, Fox suggested only (anti-Trump) Democrats object:
One day after Mulvaney’s announcement, a trio of Democratic lawmakers introduced legislation to block the president from hosting next year’s summit.
Reps. Lois Frankel from Florida, Bennie Thompson from Mississippi and Steve Cohen from Tennessee proposed the Trump's Heist Undermines the G-7 (THUG) Act. A companion bill sponsored by Sens. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., will be introduced in the Senate, according to lawmakers.
The House bill would prohibit funding for the three-day summit in June. It would also require Trump to submit to Congress documents related to the decision to host the summit at Doral, lawmakers said.
What Fox didn’t mention in its rundown of Democratic opposition? Democrats probably would have added this corruption to one of their likely articles of impeachment.
Published with permission from News Hounds.