#ByeByeElise Hashtag Trends At The Top Of Twitter

Rep. Elise Stefanik's impeachment hearing antics have gained her many vocal detractors on Twitter.

With the push on to make Rep. Elise Stefanik the female Jim Jordan or Devin Nunes, her appearance on Hannity and other promotional efforts are raising the ire of many on Democrats and others disgusted with Trump and his adoring sycophants in the Republican Party.

The hashtag #ByeByeElise trending throughout the day, at times the #1 trending topic on twitter in the United States, no doubt raising even more money for Stefanik's opponent, Tedra Cobb.

Source: Raw Story

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) has spent the past two weeks of impeachment hearings serving as one of President Donald Trump’s fiercest defenders — and it’s made her the target of left-wing activists.

The hashtag #ByeByeElise became the top tending topic on Twitter Friday afternoon, as Twitter users taunted the New York Republican about the purported impending doom of her political career.

The hashtag appears to have been started by “The Ellen Show” executive producer Andy Lassner, who also encouraged his followers to donate money to Democrat Tedra Cobb, who will be running against Stefanik in New York’s 21st congressional district.

And Lassner tweeted out another half dozen of these throughout the day, all getting wide play.

Here's some other good ones.

As her opponent Democrat Tedra Cobb noted, as Stefanik has gotten into more and more trouble for shooting her mouth off, she's run to people like Sean Hannity for help. NY-21 can do so much better than this.

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