Trump Makes Up Polls To Claim People Don't Want Him Impeached
When reality and facts don't suit your narrative, go with a wholly fabricated one!
I'm not sure why any news channels cover Trump's "copter chats". They are invariably full of lies and craziness, that serve only to give comfort to those who want to see this nation's stature diminished by the Criminal-in-Chief.
No, seriously, that's what I think about all the time. As someone who has lived outside of the US and seen how we're covered by the international media when we don't have someone with an Adderall addiction and creeping dementia in charge, I imagine people like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il smiling and congratulating themselves when they see footage like this. We are made fools by the fool in the White House trying to pretend that facts and truth don't exist.
Because in TrumpWorld, if you don't like reality, you just make up facts. We're not that far away from "John Barron" or "John Miller" calling up the media to insist that Marla Maples declared that Donald was the best sex she ever had or that Forbes left Trump off their billionaires list
Just declare it so without providing evidence. Say "People have said this..." without the actual corroboration. Or insist that EVERYONE knows it's the truth, without being troubled that if that was the case, the question wouldn't be out there anyway. That's the entire Trump defense. It's sad and pathetic in a private citizen, albeit a public figure. But in a the highest office in the land? It's flat out dangerous.
In the case of impeachment, reality keeps intruding upon his carefully constructed megalomania. He has nothing left but to make up facts that don't exist to protect that fragile ego and to lash out at those he perceives as demanding facts: the media.
Does it surprise you to know that he's making up polls that don't exist? Of course, it doesn't.
[Source: Real Clear Politics, 11/3/19]
There are zero polls that show that most Americans want nothing to do with impeachment. Even the most favorable polls to Trump show a slight net positive well within the margin of error.
Won't stop him from claiming otherwise, though. And that's why it's incumbent upon the media to not air easily disproven lies like this without contextualization and fact-checking.
The world is watching.
Oh, and let's not forget that little jewel at the end where he goes after the whistleblower (after pretending that that it hasn't been corroborated by his own Acting Chief of Staff). Know what that's called?
This is witness intimidation & retaliation. Period.
— Mimi Rocah (@Mimirocah1) November 3, 2019
That's called another impeachable offense.