Former Rep. Joe Walsh: Trump Will Keep His 35 Percent Because Of The Liars Like Hannity On Fox
I don't agree with former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh about much, but this can't be repeated often enough. The only reason Trump still has his base of support is due to the propagandists on Fox "news" feeding them a steady stream of lies day in and day out.
I don't agree with former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh about much, but this can't be repeated often enough. The only reason Trump still has his base of support is due to the propagandists on Fox "news" feeding them a steady stream of lies day in and day out.
Fox and the other liars polluting our airways should not be allowed to call themselves "news" and until they're off the air and every single one of them are permanently shunned from polite society, we're going to be lucky to hold onto what's left of our democracy here in the United States. Sadly, even if we're rid out Fox, we've already got countless copy-cats out there who are as bad or worse ready to take their place.
Here's Walsh's response when asked why there doesn't appear to be a single Republican who is willing to vote to impeach Trump by CNN's Ana Cabrera this Saturday:
WALSH: I've got a lot of respect, Ana, for Will Herd. That was so disappointing. Here's -- I think here is where it is. I think it's people like Sean Hannity. The people on FOX News, like Hannity, Ana who, let's be frank, who lie to everybody who listens to them and views them.
And so because Hannity and all the rest, they lie to the people who listen to them, Trump will keep his 35 percent of his supporters. He will keep his base because they are fed these lies every night.
And my former Republican colleagues in Congress, Ana, they are not afraid of Trump, they're afraid of Trump's voters. And if Trump's voters aren't going to move because they are fed lies by Hannity and all the rest, then unfortunately my former Republican colleagues aren't going to move either.
CABRERA: And yet the latest polling shows 90 percent of Republicans, when you talk about the voters, 90 percent of Republicans support the job the President is doing. Ninety one percent of Republicans oppose impeaching him. I mean, do you really expect GOP lawmakers to ignore those kinds of numbers?
WALSH: I don't believe those numbers, Ana. And the reason I don't believe those numbers is because I have been out campaigning in New Hampshire and Iowa speaking primarily to Republicans. And most Republicans out there that I speak with, Ana, they know the President did something wrong and they are tired of all of his B.S. And now it's difficult to convince them to vote for somebody else, but I'm certainly going to try. And, look --
CABRERA: Why is it so difficult to convince them to vote for somebody else like yourself if they are tired of the President's antics and they still want to vote for a Republican option?
WALSH: Well, I'll tell you, they need to see an alternative. And if I had God's money, if I had Michael Bloomberg's money, then they'd hear more readily about a Joe Walsh because almost everyone, Ana, that I get in front of, they say I'm tired of him, he has done some good things, but I'm sick and tired of him. Who's the alternative? And once they have an alternative, Ana, they are likely to move. I just have to get out there more.
But, Ana, this story is still evolving. We don't know what the Senate is going to do. We don't know what a trial is going to look like. This President did wrong. He betrayed the country. More and more Americans are going to learn of that.
CABRERA: Let me read you a tweet from legendary news man Dan Rather. He wrote this week, after all the hearings we have heard, the question is not whether the GOP will abandon Trump, we know the answer. The question is whether the country will abandon the GOP. What's your answer to that question?
WALSH: Oh, Ana, I'm scared to death. I'm absolutely scared to death that we've reached a point where we no longer have two viable political parties. Two political parties who put in front of the American people their principles that they believe in. That's not the Republican party right now. The Republican party right now worships Donald Trump. And as long as that's the case, Dan Rather's right, we don't have two viable political parties in this country. I aim to change that.
And by the way, Ana, we need more courageous Republicans to stick their neck out now against this President. What saddens me even more is so many of my former colleagues in congress, they agree with me about Donald Trump but they are afraid to speak out publicly. Shame on them. Shame on them.
Shame on all of them, but as every Republican member of Congress has made abundantly clear over these last few years, they're incapable of being shamed.
As Greg Sargent at The Plum Line noted this week, it's time to let go of the notion that we can shame these people, and just start calling them what they are... criminal accomplices.