Fox And Friends Host 'Doesn't Get' Fight Against Income Inequality
Ainsley Earhardt says it's the American Way to work your tail off, nights and weekends. How about with no health insurance, Ainsley? Ever TRIED IT?
Hat tip Bobby Lewis, and also Soledad O'Brien, who captioned this video "Dumb. As. A. Stump."
Ainsley Earhardt doesn't understand the appeal of Elizabeth Warren's war against income inequality.
Ainsley has great health insurance and other benefits from Fox News.
She has paid time off.
Meanwhile, Ainsley's nanny, housekeeper, personal assistant, hairdresser, cook, and the person who delivers her midday salad by bicycle (dressing on the side!) are "working their tails off" with none of the privilege and all of the income inequality our current economy encourages.
Steve Doocy replied that he has been to Sanders rallies where people don't have health insurance and are coping with student debt, etc., and that there are large numbers of people for whom that message is appealing.
Let's do an experiment where Ainsley works multiple jobs "saying yes" to nights and weekends for $15 an hour (generous!) and we take away her health insurance for a year. She can get back to us about "The American Way" after.