Fox's Jeanine Pirro Pushes Debunked Conspiracy Theory On Ukrainian Election Interference

Trump booster Jeanine Pirro shamelessly promotes the fact-free right-wing conspiracy theory that it was Ukraine, and not Russia, that interfered in the 2016 election during her lie-packed opening this Saturday, attacking the impeachment hearings of the last week.

Just in case you were still wondering why your Fox-watching "Crazy Uncle Liberty" believes that Trump did nothing wrong and that these impeachment hearings are all just part of an ongoing, evil plot to take Dear Leader down by Democrats, look no further than segments like this one from this Saturday's Justice with Judge Jeanine.

Trump propagandist Jeanine Pirro opened her show with a series of lie-filled attacks on this week's impeachment hearings, pretending that the inquiry in the House is somehow the same as a trial in a criminal court, or that we've already moved onto the trial stage of the proceedings that will take place in the Senate (that is if Moscow Mitch doesn't do his best to squash them).

Here's Pirro doing just that, and promoting the lie that there's a need to expose the whistle-blower in order for poor old Trump to defend himself.

PIRRO: Imagine a group of people hate someone so much, they agree to destroy him. They tried before, but the truth won out. They decide to find someone who also despises him to make another complaint and try again. That person agrees and with their help files a complaint, and a new attempt to destroy him begins. They predict this time, he is going down.

First the accusation. It's not clear what it is, and he's not allowed to be present where it is decided what it will be. He's not allowed to have an attorney. He's not allowed to present witnesses. And soon after they publicize they're going forward, they still won't say what the charge is.

He asked to confront his accusers in the hope of learning more, the the accuser is hidden away, because to out him would give away the fraud that was at the heart of their charge.

They say they will prove he did something wrong, that they know he did something wrong, and so they bring in witnesses, ostensibly to prove this. But they actually know nothing. They, like the accuser heard something from someone who heard something, and none of it by the man charged.

In this charade, hearsay is allowed, and it's considered even better than direct evidence. His lawyers are not allowed to object leading, loaded or prejudicial questions, though they can signal their witness to not answer a question that might illuminate the truth for him.

All during this, he presents the best, direct, powerful, relevant material, unassailable evidence of his compliance with the law that refutes every one of their accusations.

But they don't care. The truth is irrelevant. They want him destroyed. They even tell him, he has to prove his innocence, because, he is part of a shakedown, and so far he hasn't proven that he's not. They tell him his proving his innocence is what the inquiry is all about.

He is frustrated. He has nowhere to turn.

Now imagine it's you that they are after. This week we witnessed nothing short of the most offensive, shocking and shameless shows ever displayed in the Congress of the United States. The hatred of president Trump was palpable. And the refusal to recognize time-honored legal principles, precedents and traditions was simply stupefying.

There were no rules other than the rules of a proven liar. The burden of proof has no place in this charade. There has never been a case in the history of this great nation where the accused is supposed to prove his innocence when the prosecution can't even prove his guilt.


Hell, they can't even figure out what the the man did. They are hypocrites who lie to the American people every day.


The only bipartisan thing here is the fact that two Democrats sided with the Republicans against this so-called inquiry or inquisition, whatever it is. The rules of evidence, due process, outright fairness have no place in their star chamber.


Hearsay without more is proof beyond a reasonable doubt? Countless people? You have got to be kidding me. But in Quigley's world this is the kind of thing that will convict people.


More telephone again, and, as for miss Yovanovich, there were sources who felt you were not loyal to the president, so you were released. Newsflash. The president has that right.

They are so stupid that every time a crime doesn't fit, they move to another one. Their schizophrenic effort to identify a crime, any time, is akin to a 5-year-old trying to settle on one toy in a giant toy store. The witnesses they brought out of the star chamber, Kent and Taylor told us something new that I never heard, and that is that the territorial credit of Ukraine is essential to our interests because Ukraine is a strategic partner of the United States.

Wait. When did that happen? Did these guys work for Obama? They are the same ones, they sat and watched Russia annex Crimea, invade Ukraine. They refused to send aid for lethal weapons to help Ukraine defend itself.

And all the while its missile system is taken down leaving Ukraine a sitting duck. And the bozo in the bow tie and a water binkie is telling us what America's strategy should be? Coming from the Obama administration? Are you kidding? Who are you? Or better yet, who do you think you are?

There is only one person who sets foreign policy and it ain't you. It's the commander-in-chief for whom you work. And neither of you wackos, who are used to being used, haven't even figured out why you are there.

Pirro wrapped things up by pushing the debunked conspiracy theory that it was actually Ukraine and the Democrats, and not Russia, that interfered in the 2016 election:

PIRRO: A primer, a president is not required to give funds to a corrupt foreign government. He has a right to make sure that the money is spent wisely.

So now they are thinking bribery, except bribery requires criminal intent. There is none. Getting to the bottom of the meddling in the 2016 election which apparently started in Ukraine and led to the Russia collusion delusion is an obligation. We have to make sure never happens to America again.

But the deep state, they're dug in, doing everything they can to make sure that Americans never get the truth.

And finally, the president just yesterday submitted the transcript of the first call between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine where president Trump expressed a commitment to “root out corruption” along with the new president of Ukraine.

But I imagine that that truth won't matter to the mob, who simply wants to take him down.

It seems Trump was thrilled with Pirro's performance, because he tweeted it out last night:

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