Freshman Rep's Veteran's Day Ad Destroys Trump And GOP

Rep. Elaine Luria took her experience as a Navy Vet and devotion to country as an opportunity to show why Trump needs to be impeached at all costs.

It's Veterans Day, and freshman Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA) has dropped an ad that will send shivers down your spine. A 20-year Navy vet, she was elected in a swing district, and clearly is serving in Congress for all the right reasons. She means to do the right thing by her constituents, the Constitution, and her country.

The ad begins with her oath, which she took 7 times in the Navy, first with her enlistment, then with each promotion, and finally with her being sworn in as a Congressional Representative of Virginia's 2nd District. And while she says in the ad she didn't plan to impeach Trump going into her political career, she is clear-eyed about what constitutes impeachable offenses, and supports it now.

The ad ends with her reciting her oath somewhat in reverse, a symbolic representation of how this nation's ideals and priorities have been turned on their heads and reversed. The "leader" of the U.S.A. reveres dictators, alienates allies, panders to executioners, prioritizes greed, and pretends he answers to no one. And Rep. Elaine Luria is supporting impeachment regardless of potential political peril for her own career.

I can think of some Senators who should take note.

Do yourselves a favor. Watch Rep. Luria's ad, and drink in what a patriot looks and sounds like.

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