George Conway Is 'Horrified' And 'Appalled' At GOP Blind Devotion To Trump
In a rare TV appearance on MSNBC, the Republican anti-Trump attorney eviscerated the GOP and Trump for spitting on their oaths of office, and the Constitution.
George Conway, inconceivably wedded to KellyAnne Conway (aka "The Trump Whisperer") made a rare TV appearance on this, the morning of the first public impeachment hearing (aka "Liberal Christmas," "Karma Is A B*tch Day," and "Devin Nunes Needs A Barf Bag Day.")
Conway is a respected conservative attorney, and has made a name for himself tweeting devastating rebukes of (and to) Donald Trump and his treasonous, cruel, illegal activities. Until today, though, the world has gotten to know him primarily via Twitter and a few op-eds. Today, he joins the MSNBC panel narrating and analyzing the impeachment hearings, and Nicolle Wallace had some questions for him, which he answered in the manner in which we've come to love on Twitter: with frankness and fire.
CONWAY: There's emotion about the country because, I mean, we talked about in that op-ed, Neal and I, about Congress needing to do its duty, and the president not doing his. This is about the country, people doing the right thing by their country, and not by their party. And this is about telling truth about what really happened, and not about party loyalty. This is about putting the country, the law, truth, above partisanship.
WALLACE: Are you disappointed that Republicans don't seem to see it that way?
CONWAY: I'm horrified. I'm appalled. And it's, if you had told me three years ago that it would come to this, I wouldn't have believed it. Because I don't think, I mean, you could not have imagined, I don't think I could have imagined a president, any president engaging in this sort of conduct.
WALLACE: If you were alone with a Republican, you spent your career with Republican legal causes, you now are bosom buddies with Neal Katyal, but the arguments you make aren't political. What is the case you would make to the Republicans you've known your whole professional life?
CONWAY: Well, the case is, take that Republican hat off, and look at it neutrally. Or look at what you would have done if Donald Trump was a Democrat. Would you be making these ridiculous arguments about process? Think of the other arguments they're making, like, Oh, it's just he didn't know it? Or it wasn't corrupt? He was talking about corruption, or all these things that they don't really believe, or couldn't believe. I mean, would they — if Barack Obama had done this? They'd be out for blood! And they'd be right!
Are you sure you're a Republican, George Conway?