Kamala Harris Destroyed Tulsi Gabbard For, Well, EVERYTHING

The California senator pulled no punches when assessing Gabbard's record as an alleged Democrat.

Kamala Harris set a lot of people straight last night, but the first to have her spine adjusted by the California Senator was Tulsi Gabbard.

Rep. Gabbard predictably went on a tirade, bashing the party on whose stage she stood, and whose nomination she sought, invoking the name of the first woman to be named a nominee for U.S. President, whose wardrobe she apparently raided for the occasion. Gabbard blathered: "Our Democratic party, unfortunately, is not the party that is of, by, and for the people. It is a party that has been, and continues to be influenced by the foreign policy establishment in Washington, represented by Hillary Clinton and others' foreign policy, by the military-industrial complex, and other greedy corporate interests."

Senator Harris just laughed, looked down, tucked her hair behind her ear, and then went all in.

SEN. HARRIS: I think that it's unfortunate that we have someone on this stage who is attempting to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States who, during the Obama administration, spent four years, full-time, on Fox News, criticizing President Obama. Who spent full-time criticizing people on this stage as affiliated with the Democratic party, when Donald Trump was elected — not even sworn in — buddied up to Steve Bannon to get a meeting with Donald Trump IN THE TRUMP TOWER. Fails to call a war criminal by what he is - as a war criminal. And then spends full-time during the course of this campaign, again, criticizing the Democratic party.

She finished by saying we need someone who can BEAT Donald Trump. Go toe-to-toe with him.

Agreed. We don't need someone who adores dictators as much as Trump does. We don't need someone who hates the Democrats as much as he does. We don't need a nominee who will HELP re-elect Trump. We need someone who can DESTROY him. Gabbard needs to take a damn seat.

And more from Sen. Harris:

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