Kara Eastman Doesn't Want Tom Steyer's Money-- She Donated It To Charity

On Friday, just as Bloomberg was announcing his campaign against Bernie and Elizabeth, Kara Eastman announced she is giving away a campaign donation she received last year from Steyer. In a statement, Kara said "I immediately saw this as an example of the problem of money in politics, an issue that I have campaigned on since the beginning."

"The fight happening now for the Democratic presidential nomination," wrote Norman Solomon, "largely amounts to class warfare. And the forces that have triumphed in the past are outraged that they currently have to deal with progressive opposition from not one but two candidates."

Even before anti-progressive radical Mike Bloomberg jumped into the presidential race Friday, Tom Steyer's campaign was exposed for trying to bribe office holders-- so far only former office holders have been exposed for accepting-- into endorsing his failing campaign. Steyer, who made his billions as a hedge fund manager, has written himself a series of checks to the tune of $47,597,697. He's spent more than any other candidate so far, including Trump. But it hasn't done him that much good. His RealClearPolitics polling average is 0.9%, tucked between Tulsi (1.6%) and Michael Bennet (0.5%). The most recent poll-- from YouGov for The Economist-- shows he's the first choice of 1% of Democratic primary voters and also the second choice of 1% of Democratic primary voters.

On Friday, just as Bloomberg was announcing his campaign against Bernie and Elizabeth, Kara Eastman announced she is giving away a campaign donation she received last year from Steyer. In a statement, Kara said "I immediately saw this as an example of the problem of money in politics, an issue that I have campaigned on since the beginning."

Kara isn't exactly rolling in the dough. She's working class candidate from a working class candidate and Steyer's $2,700 contribution is meaningful. "While this was well in advance of his declared presidential campaign and was not given to us in exchange for any endorsement, my campaign-- like all campaigns should be-- is founded on transparency and integrity. I am therefore announcing that I will contribute this money to a nonprofit in this district that provides services for Latinx immigrant workers...

Last month, when the Omaha World Herald discovered from an anonymous tipster that my opponent, Rep. Don Bacon, had taken several thousand dollars by indicted Giuliani associate Igor Furman, it was only after that these corrupt dollars were exposed that Bacon promised to donate the money to charity. Although, to be honest, he never specified a charity, only that the money would go to the cause of human trafficking. Anyway, I have felt that my campaign needs to be different, to be pro-active."

Please consider helping Kara making up the hole by contributing to her campaign. Click on the 2020 Blue America congressional thermometer on the right and do what you can.

Kara's opponent is Nebraska Trump enabler, Donald J. Bacon, a toxic conservative Republican. Kara is running on a platform that includes Medicare-for-All, the Green New Deal, racial and social justice, gun safety, comprehensive immigration reform, debt-free college and other policies that help working families; all issues on which Bacon stands in opposition.

She noted in her platform that

"The World Bank puts our income inequality on par with some of the poorest and unequal nations in the world. This is dangerous for our economy and damaging to our collective sense of morality.

The GOP Tax Plan was a clear hand-out to the very wealthy and large corporations that simply do not need welfare. It was shown to have raised taxes on the middle class and exempted those who can afford to pay their fair share-- this is not fiscal responsibility.

We need to ensure that all Americans have a livable wage, are not drowning in student loans and healthcare costs, have healthy, affordable housing, and have a way to care for their children while they go to work. We also need to regulate banks and Wall Street and tax financial transactions to help pay down our debt."

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