Kellyanne Conway Whines About Impeachment Depositions 'Being Done In Secret'

Angry Kellyanne Conway can't stop whining about the totally normal process of conducting impeachment depositions in private, similar to grand jury hearings.

Kellyanne Conway is losing her doublespeak, alternative fact, gish-galloping skill set, as shown by this absolutely pathetic interview. On one hand, she was whining that these interviews are being done in private, but she fails to acknowledge that Republicans are in the room and are allowed to actively participate in the hearings. Oh, and there are reports that numerous White House toadies are running to the White House to leak private testimony as it happens.

First, Kellyanne tried to deny that Trump did anything wrong because Trump didn't withhold aid (he did). Then, she tried to say that even if it happened, it is not impeachable (that's what the congressional investigation will seek to decide, and they're the only ones who get to decide that). When pushed numerous times to admit that he did withhold the aid and that she feels using the presidency to investigate American citizens is fine, Kellyanne talked out of both sides of her mouth.

CONWAY: It's not impeachable...And that's where we are now....Let's be fair, Ukraine got the aid. As you and I sit here, one presumes they're using that aid. The Ukrainian president said he felt no pressure. He never knew aid was being held up.

I think if you’re going to do, respectfully, what Adam Schiff does, which is come out and cherry-pick 10 seconds or 10 minutes out of 10 hours of testimony — we have no access to the full testimony because everything’s been done in the dark in secret. That process has been flawed from the beginning.

BASH: Was there a time when military aid was held up because the president wanted Ukraine to look into the Bidens?

CONWAY: I don’t know. But they’ve got their aid.

BASH: So it is possible that happened?

CONWAY: They have the aid, they're using the aid. Here's what's unimpeachably true: Ukraine has that aid, they're using the aid. I feel confident that Ukraine has that aid and is using it right now. I don't know whether aid was being held up.

To say Kellyanne failed would be an understatement. She failed on a Trumpian scale.

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