Melania Greeted With Boos At Opioid Summit In Baltimore

First Lady Melania Trump was booed in Baltimore at the B’More Youth Summit for Opioid Awareness.

Surprising that Melania would go to a place that last summer her husband called "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess." Judging by the reaction, I guess the youth of Baltimore remember.

Source: The Guardian

Melania Trump was loudly booed on Tuesday, as she addressed an event in Baltimore as part of White House attempts to fight America’s opioid abuse epidemic.

Donald Trump angered many in Baltimore this summer when in attacking the Democratic congressman Elijah Cummings, he referred to the city as "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess."

That prompted the Baltimore Sun newspaper to tell the president: “Better to have some vermin living in your neighbourhood than to be one.”

On Tuesday, the first lady attended the B’More Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness at University of Maryland Baltimore College.

She was introduced as “somebody who has made it their personal mission to use their platform to make a difference in this particular area, with wellness and addiction and particularly the opioid crisis that we’re living through right now”.

The host seemed to issue a precautionary appeal for civility, telling the audience they were “young people but also ladies and gentlemen”.

Nonetheless, a mixture of cheers and boos greeted Trump as she walked onstage. Boos could also be heard as she began to speak, though they quietened down.


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