Michael Bloomberg Now Says Legalizing Pot Is 'Stupid'
Flushing that millennial vote down the toilet along with your money, Mike?

As a twenty-one year old in my house said yesterday, "Yeah, I wasn't going to vote for him anyway." Newsweek reports that Michael Bloomberg isn't just flushing millions down the toilet to be considered a presidential candidate. He's flushing the millennial vote with it:
Former New York City Mayor—and potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate—Michael Bloomberg called efforts to legalize marijuana "perhaps the stupidest thing anybody has ever done."
Speaking at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, on Tuesday, Bloomberg said on the subject, according to WBNG-TV:
"We have a different kind of problem in America, for example. Last year, in 2017, 72,000 Americans [overdosed] on drugs. In 2018, more people than that are OD-ing on drugs, have OD'd on drugs. And today, incidentally, we are trying to legalize another addictive narcotic, which is perhaps the stupidest thing anybody has ever done. We've got to fight that, and that's another thing that Bloomberg Philanthropies will work on it in public health."
The position from the billionaire politician would seem to be out of step with Democratic leaders in his state and liberal voters nationwide.
This hard stance is kinda out of touch with 2013 Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who effectively decriminalized possession of personal-use marijuana in his State of the City address that year.
I'd say he's making a play for the Biden vote, but Joe reversed his position on pot being a "gateway drug" just this week.