Mike's Blog Round Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts...

Sorry this is a bit late - this weekend is a bit of a shitshow here (lots of paperwork for the next job). And I did send DG an email about the mom thing - I've been down that road. But the mere fact that he's there means everything to her.

Joe.My.God - children told to build The Wall at White House event;

Redeyes's Front Page - AL Dem Civil War - first shots fired!

The Carpentariat - impeachment, removal, and the "get over it" defense;

The Commentariat - so Buzzfeed sued the government ...

The Rude Pundit - we're fu&%ed when it comes to climate change.

Steve in Manhattan (@blogenfreude) blogs at stinque.com, and loves the idea of an Argentinian grill with the cook's face 0n it.

To recommend a link, send it to mbru@crooksandliars.com - we do check it!

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