Sean Hannity Smears Yovanovitch: 'Self-Important Very Narcissistic Diplomat Snowflake'
Sean Hannity seemed awfully agitated for someone who thought impeachment hearing witness Marie Yovanovitch had not provided any useful testimony.
Sean Hannity seemed awfully agitated for someone who thought impeachment hearing witness Marie Yovanovitch had not provided any useful testimony. Could it have something to do with the fact that he has been implicated in the smear campaign against her?
Yovanovitch is the former ambassador to Ukraine who was pushed out after a smear campaign by John Solomon, then an executive vice president at The Hill, now a Fox News contributor. Solomon's smears were subsequently promoted by none other than Seth Rich-smearer Hannity. Solomon and Hannity were even name checked during the hearing when Democratic counsel Daniel Goldman displayed a Trump tweet promoting Solomon's discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 election. That tweet tagged Hannity and Fox News:

Yovanovitch was such a compelling and sympathetic witness that the spectators burst into cheers and applause and gave her a standing ovation at the end of the hearing. Fox’s own Chris Wallace said you’d have to lack a pulse not to have been moved by her testimony.
Hannity, on the other hand, couldn’t have seemed pettier or more mean-spirited. Media Matters has the transcript:
We just get more testimony, and more testimony, yes, another self-important very narcissist diplomat snowflake who can't take minor, tiny baby criticism, a witness to nothing. She had no reason to be there. She witnessed no wrongdoing, knew nothing about what we’re discussing, no direct evidence of any misconduct whatsoever, no contact with the president, no contact with his chief of staff, no contact with anybody that really knew the president, no knowledge of anything being alleged by the Democrats. You cannot make this up. This is how sick Washington has become.
Sorry, Seanie-Pooh, but this is exactly how bullies, of which you are a stellar example, behave when they are afraid.
And, by the way, what did you mean that she “knew nothing about what we’re discussing?”
Watch Hannity’s bullyboy bluster above, from the November 15, 2019 Hannity.
Published with permission from News Hounds.