NOW Trump Gives Thumbs-Down To Public Impeachment Hearings

After weeks of GOP and Trump criticizing the Dems for holding Ukraine hearings in private, and demanding they be public, Dems give them what they've asked for. Trump doesn't like that, either.

On his way to Atlanta, GA to win over the shockingly (sarcasm) elusive Black vote, Trump held another yellicopter* presser on the White House lawn this morning. There could probably be an entire book written alone on the psychology of why this is his preferred method of communicating with the press, but that's for another day. Today, he was dribbling on about the Ukraine phone call being perfect, and Mark Levin — "a great Constitutional lawyer" — having called the transcript "perfect."

hey that is funny you know who else also says it is perfect donald trump says it is perfect what a coinkidink

A reporter screamed over the droning rotors and president to ask what he would tell the people who don't believe his assertion that the phone call was "perfect." Here was his "answer."

TRUMP: They shouldn't be having public hearings. This is a hoax. This is just like the Russian witch hunt. This is just a continuation. When you look at the lawyer for the whistle-blower, I thought it ended when they found out that the lawyer was so compromised. The lawyer is a bad guy. So you look at that. I thought that was the end of it. This is just a continuation of the hoax. It's a disgraceful thing. In the meantime, we've got the best markets we've ever had, stock markets. We have the best unemployment numbers we've ever had. We have the best employment numbers we've ever had. We have almost 160 million people, we've never been even close to that. But unfortunately you people don't want to talk about that.

*Insert record screech here*

Trump DOESN'T think Congress should hold public hearings? Wasn't the whole point of storming the SCIF a couple of weeks ago to PROTEST the fact that the hearings WEREN'T public? Didn't Trump give the okay to that dangerous stunt before it happened? Haven't all the Trump bootlickers been asking, nay, demanding the hearings be public for the entire process, with his blessing? And now he says there SHOULDN'T be public hearings?

Of course he doesn't think there should be public hearings. Speaker Nancy Pelosi played him. She knew, we all knew as soon as the hearings moved to the public phase, Trump and the GOP would object to THAT step, as well. It fell squarely into the "Be Careful What You Wish For" category.

*Credit for "yellicopter" to Karoli Kuns. :)

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