Trump Jr Gets Emotional Driving Past Arlington Cemetary For Losses His Family Suffered

Only a Trump could think this way.

It takes a special sort of person (that is to say, a sociopath), to think like this and then have the utter lack of self-awareness to put such thoughts to paper and have them printed. Junior also recently said that "I wish my name was Hunter Biden. I could go abroad and make millions off my father's presidency. I'd be a really rich guy." And If there was ever any doubt, Donald Trump Jr is truly his father's son.

Source: Washington Post

It was the day before his father was inaugurated president of the United States when the weight of the office first washed over Donald Trump Jr.

President-elect Trump and the new first family were at Arlington National Cemetery, where Trump was to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns.

“I rarely get emotional, if ever,” Trump Jr. wrote in his new book, “Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us.” “Yet, as we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment, I had a deep sense of the importance of the presidency and a love of our country....In that moment, I also thought of all the attacks we’d already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we’d have to make to help my father succeed — voluntarily giving up a huge chunk of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance that we were ‘profiting off the office,’” Trump Jr. wrote.

And if you're a fan of HBO's Succession, as I am, you'll get this joke.

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