Conservative Group Fires Michelle Malkin For Being Too Racist

Malkin supported "Groyper" Nick Fuentes, and that was apparently too much for the utlra conservative Young America's Foundation.

One would think today's GOP, Fox News and the Trumps are disgusting and right-wing enough for your average racist and neo-nazi. Well, Michelle Malkin is far from average, and apparently even the über-conservative Young America's Foundation drew the line today by firing her. Who knew they have boundaries?

Malkin has been upping her perverse and twisted First Amendment game by tweeting and shouting her support for Nick Fuentes - the "groyper" white-nationalist, Nazier-than-thou bro that puts Turning Point America to shame. Malkin just loves the way Fuentes mocks Black people who think the Jim Crow Era was rough, and wants to make sure we think the Holocaust didn't really happen. Big hoax, people. DON'T STIFLE HIS SPEECH!

Well, Malkin is no longer employed by Young America's Foundation on their speaker circuit because of her deep Nick Fuentes love.

Oh, yeah, I forgot she loves The Proud Boys, too! What a winner.

According to The Daily Beast:

A conservative group cut ties with right-wing columnist Michelle Malkin on Sunday over her support for an anti-Semitic internet personality, ramping up a growing conservative civil war centered on college campuses.

Malkin’s firing from Young America’s Foundation, whose speakers bureau had booked Malkin for speeches across the country for the past 17 years, marks the latest battle between supporters of Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and more establishment conservative figures.

Aww. So the racist GOP is fighting with an even racist-er GOP. The alt-right vs. the alt-rightier. They can all eat each other alive and the world would be better off. Until then, Malkin is out of a job, until Trump hires her or appoints her to a judicial position.

(Featured video above proves she's always been as bad as she is now)

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