Barbara Boxer Reads Receipts From GOP Hypocrisy On Bill Clinton

Joy Reid and the former senator from California compared notes between Clinton's impeachment and Trump's. Guess who comes out looking like lying hypocrites?

Joy Reid brought on the venerable former Senator from California, Barbara Boxer, to discuss the surreal and cynical hypocrisy of the GOP's response to Donald Trump's impeachment vs. their pathological pursuit of Bill Clinton's. Boxer was in the Senate during Newt Gingrich's orchestration of Clinton's impeachment. She remembers in detail the GOP probably wishes she wouldn't how many lies about infidelity their members perpetrated while in office. The way they painted Clinton as an imminent national threat based on this lie under oath, versus the way they're protecting Trump — who not only bragged about sexual assault, but sells our elections to Russia?

Let's just say Barbara Boxer nailed it.

BOXER: Well, the hypocrisy of the Republicans. I just want to say, Joy, I can't let it pass. Newt Gingrich, who is the one who engineered the entire impeachment of Bill Clinton, look at his private life. What a mess. And then you look at Henry Hyde who walked into, I'll never forget the Senate, as that top House manager, and later we found out he had an affair with a married woman which he called a, quote, "youthful indiscretion" when he was in his 40s. And then you look at who they elected speaker. Dennis Hastert who is serving time, I don't know if he's still there, for molesting CHILDREN.

So the hypocrisy, the whole thing dripped of hypocrisy. And you know, it continues on with Lindsey Graham. Look at what he said, you know, back then about how incredibly important it was to have witnesses and all of this and all of that. It's really stunning to me. And I don't know what Donald Trump will say at the State of the Union address. I really don't know what he'll do, but he'll allude to some kind of railroad job. You can be sure. Because he likes to be victim. Even though he goes around causing pain to people every day. The latest to Congresswoman Dingell. It goes on and on. But he's always the victim.

Look at Barbara Boxer bringing up HENRY HYDE and DENNIS HASTERT! Thank you for those memories, Sen. Boxer!

Youthful indiscretion IN HIS FORTIES. Molesting children. Never forget that with Republicans, hypocrisy, cynicism, and false equivalencies are a feature, not a bug.

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