Blue-Checked Twitter MAGAts Spread Vicious Lie About Rep. Jim Clyburn

So easy to disprove, but god forbid they should listen to the actual full sentence the Majority Whip spoke before spreading lies about him. No, he did NOT call for hanging Trump.

MAGAts are truly precious snowflakes, aren't they?

Today they have incited the worst kind of hate and violent rhetoric against the Majority Whip in the House of Representatives, Rep. Jim Clyburn (SC-D) by intentionally lying about what he said in an interview with John Berman on CNN.

In talking about the House sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate for Trial, Rep. Clyburn followed Speaker Pelosi's lead, and iterated it would be foolish to send them while Mitch McConnell is openly pledging to sidestep the rule of law and hold a blatantly partisan, propagandized, sham trial. One with no witnesses, no evidence, and no good faith is not a trial at all.

Here is the transcript of their exchange, which begins around the 2-minute mark of the video in the tweet from CNN with the clip which follows.

BERMAN: How long are you willing to wait?

REP. CLYBURN: As long as it takes. Even if he doesn't come around to committing to a fair trial, keep those articles here. So keep it as long as it takes. If you know, and he's told you what he's going to do, it's almost like, "Let's give him a fair trial and hang him." I mean, it's the reverse of that.

Okay? Are we all clear?

Well, not if you're a RIGHT WING NUT JOB. THEN, you take your cynical, lying @ss to your twitter account and begin to tweet propaganda and slanderous accusations that a sitting member of the House of Representatives has threatened to execute the president.

And, if you think what a bunch of blue-checks tweet doesn't matter, see how quickly it spreads.

Those are the mild ones. We won't print the more foul tweets directed at Rep. Clyburn here.

Lots of people on Twitter came to his defense, though, and the MAGAts are being rightly called out for their lies. There is one I can completely get behind:

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