Crookie Award 2019 Clown Of The Year (Not Trump): Devin Nunes

How do you top suing a cow? In 2019, Devin Nunes found a way...

Remember that 2018 bombshell when it was revealed in court that Michael Cohen's third client was Sean Hannity?

That pales in comparison to the accidental discovery that former Intel Chairman and Republican Devin Nunes was on the phone frequently with indicted Giulliani associate Lev Parnas. We found this out because Parnas's phone records are now public because he's under federal indictment. Ahem.

Kudos to Eric Swalwell for smoothly entering all of that evidence against Nunes into The Congressional Record.

His excuse is...he was on the phone with Parnas's wife. Because mob wives are always super innocent.

Devin had quite a year even before that revelation.

In June, Devin attempted to whitewash the Russia connections of Paul Manafort:

In July, The Daily Show noticed that it wasn't just Russian talking points Devin was repeating, writing credits had to go to Sean Hannity:

Nunes's lies got so bad that John King, yes, CNN's John King, said "horseshit" on the air. It's cowshit, John.

Enjoy your Crookie Award from the defendant's chair of the House Ethics Committee, Devin.

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