'The Deep Sea' Is Deeper Than You Think.
Have you ever wondered how deep the sea is? Check out this super-cool interactive experience in the open thread.

Sometimes I scroll mindlessly through Zillow...I don't plan on moving anytime in the next decade or two, but it's fun to scroll through homes in the neighborhood. It's the voyeur in me, I guess. Other times I scroll mindlessly through Etsy to see what cool stuff artists are creating. I don't really have the money to buy stuff, but I love looking at the jewelry and purses, especially. I have more than enough of both, and no plans to buy either, but still l scroll. It's the capitalist in me, I guess.
These provide mental and emotional breaks for me from the hours I spend mindlessly scrolling through Twitter and Facebook feeds to read even just a fraction of what I need to know for my work life and my activism. Or maybe it provides the procrastinator in me good fodder.
In any case, in my incessant scrolling, I came across this amazing little interactive gem called "The Deep Sea," created by Neal Agarwal. Keep scrolling. Just when you think you're done, and that there's nothing more to see, or nothing more to sea, you're rewarded. And amazed.
At least I was.
Please enjoy, and happy Friday.
Open Thread below.