Even Rick Santorum Thinks Trump Should Apologize For Dingell Attack

Imagine being so offensive, even Santorum won't defend you.

In case you missed it, at his campaign rally last night, Trump complained about Debbie Dingell voting for his impeachment - because she asked for her husband to lie in state in the Capitol rotunda. Because, you know, you can't ask something from the king without swearing a loyalty oath. In case you missed it:

They talked about it on CNN this morning. "I want to move on to what happened last night," Alysin Camerota said.

"The president was at a rally in Michigan, home state of John Dingell. This historic figure in congress. He recently died. His wife Debbie Dingell is a congresswoman. She is grieving. Rick, did you hear what the president said about Debbie Dingell and John Dingell?"

Santorum said he did, and called John and Debbie Dingell "two fine people, two very distinguished public servants."

"Frankly, even if they weren't, you don't say that. And the reality is, this is, you know, what I say and many Republicans say. we love what our president does. We don't like often what the president says, particularly when it comes to these types of personal attacks. It's bewildering to me that he'd go into Michigan where John Dingell is still revered. He did a lot for the state of Michigan, and then make that type of comment? It's not helpful to him. It's not helpful to his cause.

"And I wish as many, many Republicans do, that he would stop these gratuitous, nasty personal attacks. There's plenty of other things he can go after Debbie Dingell on, on her vote or anything else, but not attacking her deceased husband."

"Should he apologize?" Camerota asked.

"Yes, of course he should. That's just -- that's beyond the pale. I would hope he would. I don't think any of us are particularly optimistic that he will, but he should."

Imagine how bad something is when even Rick Santorum (who famously defends everything) says Trump should apologize. Because not only is it gratuitously nasty, it will also make it that much harder for Republicans to hold on to power.

Ha, ha! Sucks to be a Republican, Rick!

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