Fox And Friends Can't Contain Their Joy At SNAP Cuts

Star Parker joined Steve Doocy and Emily Compagno to laud the cruelty of Trump's cutting food stamps for 688,000 of the poorest Americans.

Fox and Friends is practically dizzy with glee about cutting nearly 700,000 poor people off from the food stamps program, also known as SNAP by tightening the work requirements for receiving food assistance. Steve Doocy and Emily Compagno announced proudly that their president was continuing to mAkE 'mUrIcA gRaTe by getting lazy moochers off their couches to find a job, already.

Star Parker, founder of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, pretended this program was being narrowed because the Trump administration sees your potential, poor people! This has nothing to do with cruelty! They're just helping you not be lazy!

PARKER: I think that President Trump and his administration are doing an incredible job making America great again. This is fantastic news, that they are now acknowledging those that are sitting on their couch, they've gotten very comfortable on the couch, to say our national food stamp program is for those that are in need, desperate need. They fixed the economy, and now they are asking those that are not participating to participate. They're encouraging them to say we see the potential in you, so we're going to change a few rules to encourage you, to encourage your own life to get involved in what is happening and making America great again.

COMPAGNO: And Star, what's the counterargument to those that say look, you are kicking off almost 600,000 people from food stamps, it's a dire situation. What's the response to that?

PARKER: Well, the people that want the big welfare state have a vested interest. Most Americans don't understand or don't realize that we're spending about $900 billion a year in these anti-poverty programs. We have invested $24 trillion into this war on poverty, and yet less than 20 cents on a dollar actually reaches the household. So there is a lot of bureaucracy going on and a lot of swamping going on, and so of course people are going to say help us, we want to keep the status quo. But what the president has done -- he's an incredible leader. What he's done is said, I see potential in Americans, and I see potential in all Americans, and we are going to keep America great by making these little changes.

OH, YEAH, the economy is FIXED. Trump sees potential in poor people - that's why he lets them all in at the Mexican border, right? Oh...wait...

But as Velshi and Ruhle explained, under the new work requirements rule, people could only apply for relief from these cuts if they live in an area where unemployment is 6% or higher. So this is going to affect people who live in areas with higher unemployment areas, where it's harder to get a job in the first place, including veterans and people in rural America.

Don't tell that to the sadists at Fox News. No, they think this is an INVESTMENT. That was my favorite part, them crowing about what a great investment it was going to be to save billions of dollars on hungry people. Who wants to tell them that "investments" are when you spend money on something or someone, not take money away from or out of programs that help people? Not that they'll be intellectually honest enough to agree with you.

And of course, cue the MAGA crowd moaning about how they voted for him, but they're SO SHOCKED his policies aren't working for them.

Then there's this little-known fact:

Congress has rejected this proposal twice before, so make your voices heard. Phone calls work. Call your Congresscritter to let them know they should continue to keep this fascist in line by rejecting the cruelty that is his stock and trade.

h/t Media Matters For America

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