Fox News Woman: 'Measles Is Not A Big Deal To Me At All'
"It’s an insignificant disease, and I think it’s stupid that people are making such a big deal out of it.”
An interesting choice for an alleged news broadcaster. Air a segment with a woman who's woefully ignorant of the dangers that measles poses to the public and not bother to contradict her, but that's Fox News for you.
Source: Mediaite
After being told about a potential measles outbreak at five major US airports, one woman at an airport shrugged off concerns to Fox News, telling the network that it’s an “insignificant disease” and “not a big deal.”
“Measles is not a big deal to me at all,” the woman said. “When I was a child I had the measles. It’s an insignificant disease, and I think it’s stupid that people are making such a big deal out of it.”
Though immunization helped drastically curb the disease, measles killed more than 140,000 people in 2018 alone, according to the World Health Organization– most of which were young children.