Fox 'Serious News' Hosts Do Cleanup On Aisle Evangelicals

Fox News hosts Sandra Smith and Chris Wallace suggested Trump was behaving like a savvy politician instead of a raging child.

Trump TV did its best to clean up on Aisle Evangelicals after Trump's little Twitter rant Friday morning. On America’s Newsroom, anchor Sandra Smith discussed the matter with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. Wallace has been attacked by Trump for his skepticism of Dear Leader, but he did his best to recast Trump’s outburst as reasonable and acceptable.

First, anchor Sandra Smith showed a graphic from Fox News’ recent poll showing 67% of evangelical Christians approve of Trump. She didn’t mention that his support has dropped from the 81% that backed him over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Wallace’s comment on the situation was, “It’s all about the math.” He claimed that 25% of American voters identify as Christian evangelicals, a “very big voting block.” Wallace did note that Trump got 80% of the evangelical vote in 2016 (without noting the drop in support) before adding, “So this is a very important part of his electoral base.”

But Wallace moved right past considering any of the reasons why the magazine called on Christians to abandon Trump in order to suggest Trump’s attack was reasonable. “You can argue about Christianity Today magazine and where it stands on the political spectrum but anything that challenges his hold – and I’m not sure whether this will or not – but, you know, anything that even raises the issue about whether Christian evangelicals should support Donald Trump is obviously very important to him, politically, so they’re gonna fight back and push back hard on this.”

Smith did her part by suggesting that Trump had correctly characterized Christianity Today as some far-left rag when she highlighted Fox’s poll finding that only 31% of white evangelicals thought Trump should be impeached. “It is far less, obviously than the general response [54%] of the population,” she said. She, too, avoided commenting on the substance of Galli's allegations.

Watch Fox pretend Trump is not unhinged and unfit for office above, from the December 20, 2019 America’s Newsroom.

This is a partial post published with permission of NewsHounds.us. You can read the full entry with the backstory here.

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