Ho Boy, This Judiciary Impeachment Hearing Was Off The Hook
Where do we begin? Republican committee members set a new record for clowning at yesterday's Judiciary Committee's impeachment hearing.
“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”
― Carl Sandburg
Yep, that's Doug Collins. Watch him have a hissy fit instead of making an opening statement in the Judiciary committee's impeachment hearing.
Have I mentioned that Upright Doug, the ranking member, is a Baptist preacher, co-owner of a scrapbooking store with his wife, and, got his laughable law degree from a 3rd-tier, for-profit law school that's recently been on probation for accreditation violations? Not saying that everyone who goes to a crappy law school is a bad lawyer! (Michael Cohen went to a terrible law school, but still passed the New York bar.) It's that he so clearly didn't learn much. Collins is is a LawyerLite©, the product of a shoddy for-profit law school. Keep that in mind when he gives his "legal" opinion.
Running list of things Republicans have complained about today:
1) the room being too cold
2) chairs being uncomfortable
3) harmless jokes about Trump naming his son Barron
4) impeachment hearing not being exciting enough
5) Nadler bringing down his gavel pic.twitter.com/CjZt0ZyP4B— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 4, 2019
Wow. I just watched Republicans lie about my book in the impeachment hrng. Compare what they said my book said w/what I actually said. They’re trying to distract from their cowardice re a lawless president who tried to cheat to win reelection. They omitted the yellow highlighted pic.twitter.com/7z5aeSAEgq
— Neal Katyal (@neal_katyal) December 4, 2019
The Republicans grossly misstated my impeachment book, “To End A Presidency: The Power of Impeachment,” pg. 141: pic.twitter.com/ClunoxuGXJ
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) December 4, 2019
These days, you could just tweet, "What an incredible shitshow," pretty much any time, without any context, and people would assume they knew what you were talking about, and that you probably weren't wrong.
— Peter Suderman (@petersuderman) October 18, 2019
Here is Prof. Turley in 1998 arguing that President Clinton should be impeached because he had "deprived himself of the perceived legitimacy to govern" with his conduct. Turley thinks oral sex triggers impeachment but abuses of power involving national security don't. pic.twitter.com/O1mtOTYtC1
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) December 4, 2019
Jonathan Turley is not finding support from Fox News legal analysts Andy McCarthy and Andrew Napolitano. Both have said that he is “simply wrong."
— Colby Hall (@colbyhall) December 4, 2019
This law prof expert donated to RNC, Romney, Cruz, and many others. And I think he needs to be impeached. And @tedlieu referenced my position during today’s hearing. https://t.co/VUlNudtLKH
— J.W. Verret (@JWVerret) December 4, 2019
Doug Collins has now resorted to complaining about the temperature of the hearing room and how comfortable his chair is pic.twitter.com/0I34OMLJTS
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 4, 2019
In a shameful moment, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) tried to get impeachment hearing witnesses to disclose who they voted for in 2016. #impeachmenthearing pic.twitter.com/euZ6hrQ3ZY
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) December 4, 2019
Stanford Professor Pamela Karlan calls out GOP Rep. Doug Collins during House Judiciary Committee hearing. “I’m insulted by the suggestion that as a law professor I don’t care about the facts.” https://t.co/kbreIucyPy pic.twitter.com/U7dUme9Tjb
— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 4, 2019
Matt Gaetz closes by threatening to ... [quints at notes] .... impeach the ghost of President Obama pic.twitter.com/ppBjRCC9em
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 4, 2019
Does anybody else remember @JonathanTurley appearing on MSNBC to explain that Sonia Sotomayor didn't have the intellect to serve on the Supreme Court?
— Prof. Garrett Epps (@Profepps) December 4, 2019
In 2014, @JonathanTurley wrote it's a myth that an impeachable offense must involve a violation of criminal law: "While there’s a high bar for what constitutes grounds for impeachment, an offense does not have to be indictable." https://t.co/X9AsRBYSKe
He was correct – then. https://t.co/MlCpS2XTPi— Alex Howard (@digiphile) December 4, 2019
Jonathan Turley: Still a preening fool.
Matt Gaetz: Still an idiot.
Doug Collins: Still a crummy lawyer from a cut-rate law school.
Trump: Still guilty of impeachable crimes.