Jimmy Kimmel On GOPers' Claim That Trump Is Better Than Abraham Lincoln

The late-night host compares and contrasts the two Republican presidents.

Jimmy Kimmel took a look at last week's Trump highlights:

"And despite all this, Trump is still very popular in his party, according to a new Economist/UGov poll. Fifty-three percent of Republicans says they believe Donald Trump is a better president than Abraham Lincoln.

"I mean, they can't be serious," Kimmel said. "No one believes Donald Trump is a better president than Lincoln. That's like saying measles is better than ice cream. Trump isn't even a better president than Daniel Day-Lewis pretending to be Abraham Lincoln. To compare Donald Trump to one of the greatest presidents, greatest Americans who ever lived, it sounds nothing short of preposterous.

"But when you watch them side by side, all of a sudden, maybe it isn't so crazy after all."

After showing some clips of Trump orating, he notes, "Donald Trump thinks 'fourscore' is a strip club in Florida."

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