Joy Reid Hilariously Demolishes The Trumpy Poutrage Over 'Home Alone 2'

Joy Reid smacked down every lie that Donald Trump Jr. and his Fox News echo chamber spouted in order to play the Big Conservative Victims after Canada edited out Daddy Trump's cameo from "Home Alone 2."

Reid began with a clip of Fox News host Jesse Watters whining that the removal of the cameo was “rewriting history” because Trump was “a tycoon that was admired and embraced by American culture, by Hollywood, by the entertainment industry in the 90s.”

Then she began her scathing smackdown:

REID: That’s right, Jesse. Long before he dared to become a Christmas-saving Republican demigod and periodic stand in for Rocky Balboa, because they look exactly alike, for Watters, Donald Trump was a beloved cultural icon with the highest echelons of Hollywood until Canadian liberals so cruelly excised Trump from a yuletide classic like Home Alone - not 1, but [Home Alone] 2.

After quoting “failson” Donald Trump Jr.'s Twitter whine, Reid continued:

REID: So in the Twitter mind of Trump II, author, perhaps ironically, of a book called “Triggered,” his dad's brilliant cameo was cut by mean Canadian liberals all because he is making America great by tossing brown migrant men, women and children in cages, which is exactly what Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus would want at Christmastime as angels summoned them to flee to Egypt as refugees.

Next, Reid revealed that the reason for Trump’s cameo in the first place was not because of any adoration or even respect, but because he owned the Plaza hotel where part of "Home Alone 2" was shot. She read this revealing quote from Matt Damon in a 2017 interview in the Hollywood Reporter:

The deal was that if you wanted to shoot in one of his buildings, you had to write him in a part. [Director] Martin Brest had to write something in "Scent of a Woman" — and the whole crew was in on it. You have to waste an hour of your day with a bullshit shot: Donald Trump walks in and Al Pacino’s like, “Hello, Mr. Trump!” — you had to call him by name — and then he exits. You waste a little time so that you can get the permit, and then you can cut the scene out. But I guess in "Home Alone 2" they left it in.

But wait, there was more debunking of this faux controversy. It turns out the removal of Trump’s “10 seconds of thespian brilliance,” was “not the fault of liberal Trump laugher-atter Justin Trudeau.” It happened back in 2014 when conservative Stephen Harper was prime minister.

After this skewering, DJTJ may need a wah-mbulance!

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